Mass Magazine - Biannual Editorial Magazine
This is a creation of a collective hold by such common individuals that from a point forward decided to create something and it started with a magazine. It was discussed that a release of it two times a year would be the necessary impact.
It is destined to the general public - it covers an article from the month it is published which can have any theme such as fashion, technology, economics, art and also to include some color and interrupt the rhythm for the reader have a moment to read, in this 'gaps' it has advertisements that were found pertinent and could transmit a nice pause but not disconnected at all from the pages seen and ones yet to see - it is for those who like an abrasive graphism accompanied by relevant images which in an all together piece translates to an impactful editorial piece.
Mass Magazine
Issue #1
In this present edition the theme was optimism and order. From those two key words it was assembled a bank of images that put together and some separately would relate to them. In addition it were implemented distinct advertisements - one that covers the new face of Balenciaga released in February and other that covers the collaboration between the shoe manufacturer Asics with fashion designer Kiko Kostandinov and the creative collective Brain Dead -.
The collective that holds and makes it possible for the creation of this editorial goes by the name of Proa. Is formed by three individuals, a computer engineer and two graphic designers. Together they try to get a hold on what keeps the world spinning and what motivates them in their work, their studies, their way of living, perhaps on God himself.

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