Exhaust Wave Generative Fire
In the beginning this idea of using the cover of one of the most cool design magazines as a basis for some random posters spread across the university’s corridors just to work as a relief from the academic projects but it ended up becoming much more than that.
 I mean if the machine wants to draw a sick reverse fire then let it do it you know??
The project is based on an image that works as the input file and goes through a feedback loop mixed with blur. With this we have extra frames that continuously add to the input being disrupted by a noise. The result is a blurred smoke effect that gives the flame momentum and some cool presence.
Every time I run the loop the smoke generated is different and sometimes is just relaxing see the effect over and over no matter the end result.
I also did an engraving style effect of the same input file. Using this time an audio file as the key value to the layout of the engraving displayed. Firstly it was connected to a noise but i thought it could be better if it was reacting to something previously made like a voice or a beat, in this case it was the song Genesis from the band Justice. The frequent bass could determine very interesting results.

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