2021, in contrast with the incessant seeking of power, corruption and political decisions based in economic interests, ONU, tired of the circumstances, decided to form an assembly named after Misfortune Council, whom aim to take monumental decisions through games, based only in probabilities. When the service is required by ONU, Misfortune Council reunites the whole 8 members, which are equally located on the world’s powerful nations. When a meeting comes up, discussion takes place followed by an organized event, then streamed worldwide.It is created a votation, in which the humanity has the power to choose the game which will decide their results, on that specific time .
Having this in mind it felt fit to compose a book where there is a strong message and importance given not only to the brand but also to the object itself. Therefore the book is all plain in a pure white tone without any information in the cover or the back cover. It combines 2 books, one for the brand backstory and another for the brand guidelines; there is a small distinction between them that is the texture of the paper used which gave a slight color change between the books. The one that refers to the background of the brand is more bright and the one that refers the guidelines is more dull. A z-fold was used to make the entire editorial piece, the two books are distinct but have the same objective, to communicate a strong, powerful brand but mostly one of a kind. Resulting in a mighty yet delicate type of object.
The identity behind the Misfortune Council
The guidelines of the Misfortune Council 

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